Varje tisdag anordnar The Broke and The Bookish - Top Ten Tuesday - som går ut på att man ska lista sina topp tio inom ett visst valt ämne.
Denna tisdagens tema är: Rewind - go back and do a topic you missed over the years or recently or a topic you really want to revisit.
Och vi valde: Top ten books i'd hand to someone who says they don't like to read.
Daniellas topp tio:
1. The Hunger Games av Suzanne Collins
2. The Selection av Kiera Cass
3. The Unexpected Everything av Morgan Matson
4. Harry Potter och de vises sten av J.K. Rowling
5. Angelfall av Susan Ee
6. Nil av Lynne Matson
7. Divergent av Veronica Roth
8. Fyren mellan haven av M.L. Stedman
9. The One and Only Ivan av Katherine Applegate
10. Någon annanstans av Gabrielle Zevin
I really like your selection for TTT this week :) I would also pick a lot of these to give someone who said they didn't like reading. Especially Harry Potter and Hunger Games. The Selection is an interesting choice!
SvaraRaderaMy TTT.
I hate when people say they don't like to read...HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE TO READ!? It's crazy! Great Top Ten! :D My Top Ten Tuesday!
SvaraRaderaI love your choices. IF Harry Potter and the Hunger Games can't convince non-readers to read, I don't know what will!
SvaraRaderaLove The Hunger Games! Great choice for someone who doesn't like to read (Like how can you not? Who are these strange people?)
SvaraRaderaMy TTT:
I agree - The Hunger Games is great for reluctant readers!
SvaraRaderaCheck out my TTT.